Thanks to the wonders of technology, we were able to make an appearance at Cardiff Vineyard‘s carol service on Sunday afternoon. Now that the event is over, you can check it out below…
A special thank you goes out to Bruce and Nosiviwe for reading!
Thanks to the wonders of technology, we were able to make an appearance at Cardiff Vineyard‘s carol service on Sunday afternoon. Now that the event is over, you can check it out below…
A special thank you goes out to Bruce and Nosiviwe for reading!
Yesterday I had the joy of assisting Andrew in painting a piece of street art in Masiphumelele.
It was fun listening as people passed by wondering what we were painting, and to help answer any questions they had.
By the end we had attracted a group of kids who took it in turns to exclaim “reech een lauve!”
Visit Andrew’s site here:
When fires hit Masiphumelele (the township where Babysafe works) a few months ago, many people joined in the effort to rebuild the shelters of those who had been made homeless. Street artist SELAH (aka Andrew Breitenberg) decided to sow some beauty among the ashes. Here’s what happened.
För några månader sedan härjade bränder i Masiphumelele (samma kåkstad som Baby Safe arbetar i) och över 500 plåtskjul brann ner vilket resulterade i att hundratals personer blev hemlösa. Lokalbefolkningen och andra människor engagerade sig i återuppbyggandet av nya hem i området. Gatukonstnären SELAH (aka Andrew Breitenberg) bestämde sig för att skapa något vackert och hoppingivande mitt i askan.
(Video by Craig Johns. If you can’t view it on this blog, visit it on Youtube)
Våra fina vänner, Luke och Jen, har tagit väl hand om oss sen vi kom hit. De bor i ett område med samma namn som den välkända festivalen, Woodstock, i Kapstaden. Det finns fler likheter än namnet, fram för allt är detta också ett ställe som sprudlar av kreativa människor som utstrålar en massa PEACE & LOVE (& HOPE)! Vi bor här ungefär en vecka tills vi hittat vårt eget ställe, i Fish Hoek, på andra sidan berget. Graffitikonst nedan av vår vän Andrew
Our dear friends, Luke and Jen, are well known for making people feel really welcomed when arriving in SA, which is how they made us feel since arriving! They live in Woodstock, in Cape Town which, just like its festival namesake, is a place exploding with creative people filled with PEACE & LOVE (& HOPE)! We’ll stay here approximately one week until we’ve found our own place in Fish Hoek, on the other side of the mountain. Graffiti art below by our friend Andrew
Last Wednesday we went to hear Kevin Meredith, AKA Lomokev, at the Third Floor Gallery in Cardiff Bay.
He spoke about the intriguing journey he has been on with photography. He began in the early ’90s as a photographer at rave nights in London, paid £50 a night to take shots of happy clubbers. After discovering the Lomo LC-A camera later in the 90s, he quickly became well known in the Lomographic world, competing at National and International Lomo Championships, where his quick-fire improvisational photo taking excelled.
Meredith joined Flickr soon after it’s 2004 launch and, thanks to a strong and varied back catalogue of photos at his disposal, gained swift notoriety, with one of his photos (of Imogen Heap riding a bike) appearing on the front page of Flickr.
All of his Flickr exposure (pardon the pun) has taken him in a variety of interesting directions: publishing books, working at Phoot Camp, being featured in The Times, and addressing staff at Google HQ.
In spite of his achievements, he seemed very down to earth and really gave me fresh inspiration and appreciation for the fun that can be had with a camera.
(Photo: Kevin Meredith, for more visit his Flickr page)
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