Our Life in Sweden

Jonathan & Sofia Morgan

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I Know You Care

We’re thinking a lot about the crisis in Syria at the moment. As the news are becoming increasingly horrific and the UN appealing to the world to get involved, we are trying to figure out how to best respond to what’s going on.

Here’s a very moving video made by Save The Children:


Just nu tänker vi mycket på Syrienkrisen. Då nyheterna om hur kriget utvecklas verkar bara bli värre och värre och FN fortsätter att vädja till omvärlden att inte slå dövörat till, funderar vi på hur vi bäst kan engagera oss för att se förändring.

Ovan kan ni se en video från Rädda Barnen som väcker starka känslor för det som pågår i Syrien.

State of The World’s Mothers

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Last week Baby Safe had the very tragic news of two infants passing away. We continue to support each of the women that lost a child in traumatic circumstances. An investigation is taking place on one of the cases, as it seems that the death could have been prevented by hospital staff.

This made me think of a report from Save The Children, released earlier this year, called ‘The State of the World’s Mothers’. The report lists, among many important things, the top 10 countries and the worst 10 countries to be a mother as well as 4 of what they call ‘lifesaving solutions’.

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Förra veckan fick Baby Safe höra mycket tragiska nyheter om två spädbarn som miste livet. Vi fortsätter att ge stöd till dessa mammor som förlorade sina barn under traumatiska omständigheter. I ett av fallen har en utredning påbörjats, då man misstänker att det begåtts eventuella tjänstefel hos sjukhuspersonalen som kunde förhindrat att bebisen dog.

Detta fick mig att tänka på en rapport som jag läste för ett tag sen av Rädda Barnen, The State of the World’s Mothers. Rapporten visar världens 10 bästa samt tios sämsta länder att vara mamma i, samt 4 tips på preventativa åtgärder. Sverige ligger på andra plats i kolumnen för världens bästa land att vara mamma i.

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Skärmavbild 2013-09-11 kl. 14.44.34

Skärmavbild 2013-09-11 kl. 14.45.14



Swedish vs British Police Gangnam-Style

This is completely unrelated to anything we do but thought some of you might need a little Monday chuckle.

This morning I discovered this video made by a group within the Swedish Police in the south of Sweden – a Gangnam Style-inspired announcement about traffic safety (called ‘Driving safely style’). When I shared it with Jonathan he let me know this is ‘old news’ and has already been done by the British police.

Well, at least the Swedish police seems to have a message behind their video 🙂

Här kommer ett inlägg som är helt orelaterat till vad vi gör, men som förhoppningsvis ger någon ett litet måndagsskratt.

De flesta av er har säkert redan sett videon av en dansande poliskår i Skåne, men jag hittade den först idag. När jag visade den för Jonathan lät han mig veta att detta redan har gjorts av den Brittiska polisen. Efter att ha kollat på den Brittiska videon verkar det som att den svenska polisen åtminstone försökte förmedla något slags budskap 🙂

The Three Loves

IMG_0571One of the ways that we measure if our community is being all it can be is to look at it alongside what we call The Three Loves:

  • Loving God
  • Loving each other
  • Loving the world

Sometimes a community of faith majors on one or two of these loves, and not all three. Here’s what happens if you leave out one:

Leave out Loving Each Other

We’ve had times in our community where we are really focussed on loving the world and loving God, but barely giving our community life any attention at all. Our relationships become shallow and collegial, rather than those of a loving family.

Leave out Loving The World

Other communities I know are great at loving God and loving each other, but they don’t want to go anywhere near the world. Some are afraid of the world and what it might do to them! When this happens, we open up the door to becoming super spiritual and inward. A church that doesn’t have an outward focus will soon be overrun with politics and infighting.

Leave out Loving God

Finally, some communities neglect the loving God part of the equation. They have great friendships and they serve the community around them energetically, but all their energy and vision comes from within themselves. Operating like this encourages burnout and spiritual shallowness.

At regular intervals we ask ourselves “how are we doing?” in relation to The Three Loves, to try and ensure that we don’t lose balance.

How’s your community doing? Have you experienced times when one of the Loves has been left out? What happened?

Today we are 4!

It’s our anniversary! I’ve had the pleasure of being married to this beautiful, inspiring woman for the past 4 years! I’m so thankful that we get to adventure together and see each other grow.

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