Our Life in Sweden

Jonathan & Sofia Morgan

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I love to swim

Swimming in Småland
There’s an unique sense of freedom to the Swedish summer. While we were there a few weeks ago, celebrating Sofia’s cousin’s wedding, I took the opportunity to revisit one of the places that grew to mean a lot to me last year during our wedding preparations.

The night before we got married, a few of my friends (Dave, Luke and Chris) took me for a late night swim in a lake close to where we were staying. It’s a tradition that began with Dave’s wedding the year before, and which I see as something of a rite of passage, a final blast of your old way of life as another is about to begin.

That particular evening Dave and Luke swam out far, and when I caught up they were contemplating the depths beneath: ‘what creatures could be living in those murky waters?’ We dipped our heads under the water and were immersed in a silent blackness.

This time it was daylight and I had the lake all to myself. As I paddled in, the stillness of the surface was broken by gentle rings.

In the countryside / På Landet

A few weeks ago we had a lovely weekend together with some friends in the little picturesque hamlet Skenfrith close to Monmouth. We were surrounded by hills with sheep, castles, apple cider farms, second hand stores & tea houses run by little grannies! Fairytale like! You simply must go there!

För några veckor sedan hade vi en fantastisk helg med några nyvunna vänner i den lilla idylliska byn Skenfrith, nära det större samhället Monmouth. Under en hel helg var vi omgivna av kullar med får, sagolika slott, lantgårdar med äppelcider tillverkning, loppis och fik som drevs av byns små tanter. Helt himmelskt! Åk dit!

Cardiff Foodbank / Matbanken :)

Today I volunteered with the Cardiff Foodbank, packing food parcels in their warehouse. The organisation started as a response to the affects of the financial crisis in Cardiff. As the crisis left many people without jobs, this has also strained the welfare system and caused delays in the benefit system. Many households are therefore struggling to have food for the day and are unable to feed their families. The Cardiff Foodbank have got supermarkets and individuals involved to donate food, which anyone in need can then come and collect in their distribution centre. Good stuff!

Idag hjälpte jag till att packa lite matpaket åt Cardiff Foodbank. Organisationen startade i samband med att finanskrisen slog till. Då många blev arbetslösa belastades också välfärdssystemet, vilket lett till försening av bidrag av olika slag. När bidraget inte kommer in i rätt tid lämnas många familjer i ekonomisk kris; ibland utan mat för dagen. Cardiff Foodbank har uppmuntrat mataffärer och privatpersoner till att donera mat, vilket de sedan packar och delar ut i sitt utdelningscenter, till den som behöver. Vilken bra grej!

Love the grannies!

Dessa damer bjöd in mig och Jon till deras ‘Senior Fika’ för att berätta om tiden vi tillbringade i Sydafrika och om The Baby Safe. Efter att vi berättat om bebisarna som blir övergivna i Sydafrika ville de hjälpa till på något sätt. De bestämde sig för att sticka filtar till bebisarna (och mammorna) som The Baby Safe möter. De spred ryktet till deras väninnor, som bestämde sig för att sticka filtar dom också. Så för någon vecka seda skickade vi ner en hel massa filtar till Sydafrika. Filtarna kom fram och blev klar precis i rätt tid, för just är vintern på intåg i Sydafrika. Många av damerna var medlemmar i Beulah Baptist Church som också bör berömmas, dels för att de hjälpte till i samband med filt-transporten, och dels för att de är allmänt goa 🙂

Some of these ladies invited us to their ‘Senior Citizens Tea’ gathering, to talk about our time in South Africa and The Baby Safe. After hearing the story about baby dumping they felt that they really wanted to contribute in some way. They decided to knit blankets for the babies (and mothers) that the Baby Safe supports. They also spread the word to their friends who then came to join them in the knitting! So a few weeks ago we were able to send off a large number of blankets to the Baby Safe in South Africa, were they were warmly welcomed. The timing was perfect as the winter has now started over there. Most of these ladies were part of Beulah Baptist Church, who also deserve some cred for organising the shipping and being a lovely community.

Familjebesök / Family visit

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