Our Life in Sweden

Jonathan & Sofia Morgan

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Puppies Available?

I often get “legitimate” spam: emails that are written for real people, by real people, but happen to be sent to the wrong email address. My friend Richard, who experiences the same issue, is convinced that it’s because other Jonathan Morgans give out my email address to people, passing it off as their own.

Here’s an example of one I received this morning that made me laugh out loud:

Sååå kul! / Hilarious

Detta är en video som har blivit mycket populär på facebook och är nu också källan till mitt välbehövda skratt efter en lång jobbdag!


Check out this hilarious video that you’ve prob seen around on facebook! As the clever swedish saying says: ‘a good laugh lengthens your life’ … 🙂




Last Wednesday we went to hear Kevin Meredith, AKA Lomokev, at the Third Floor Gallery in Cardiff Bay.

He spoke about the intriguing journey he has been on with photography. He began in the early ’90s as a photographer at rave nights in London, paid £50 a night to take shots of happy clubbers. After discovering the Lomo LC-A camera later in the 90s, he quickly became well known in the Lomographic world, competing at National and International Lomo Championships, where his quick-fire improvisational photo taking excelled.

Meredith joined Flickr soon after it’s 2004 launch and, thanks to a strong and varied back catalogue of photos at his disposal, gained swift notoriety, with one of his photos (of Imogen Heap riding a bike) appearing on the front page of Flickr.

All of his Flickr exposure (pardon the pun) has taken him in a variety of interesting directions: publishing books, working at Phoot Camp, being featured in The Times, and addressing staff at Google HQ.

In spite of his achievements, he seemed very down to earth and really gave me fresh inspiration and appreciation for the fun that can be had with a camera.

(Photo: Kevin Meredith, for more visit his Flickr page)

Cath Kidston


För ett tag sedan upptäckte jag det färgglada brittiska märket Cath Kidston. Får riktiga vårkänslor när jag ser alla fina prickiga och blommiga mönster! Finns märket i Sverige? Om inte, håll till godo 🙂

(Klicka på bilden…)


Cath Kidston. Amazing. Her color full prints reminds me of the summer thats ahead of us…


For Haiti

Fint tryck av Rob Ryan för att stödja folket i Haiti till att bygga upp landet igen.


Nice print from Rob Ryan to support the people of Haiti to rebuild the country.

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