Our Life in Sweden

Jonathan & Sofia Morgan

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Category: The Baby Safe (page 6 of 7)

Police refer abandoned baby to Baby Safe

Each week one of the team members of Baby Safe is on call 24-7 to respond to any emergency, in particular those that involve rescuing abandoned babies. Last night it was Rachel’s turn. She was called by the local police station to collect a six week old baby that had been abandoned. The baby has now been placed in a place of safety.


Varje vecka är en av medlemmarna i Baby Safe jour ansvarig. Detta innebär att man är tillgänglig dygnet runt till att ta emot akuta ärenden, däribland att ta hand om övergivna spädbarn. I går kväll var det Rachel’s tur. På kvällen blev hon uppringd av områdets lokala polisstation som meddelade att de hade ett övergivet spädbarn på 6 veckor. Rachel hämtade bebisen och såg till att den fick ett tryggt hem.

Widening the scope of Baby Safe

A few of us spent this morning digging around in the rubbish on the outer edge of Khayelitsha, Cape Town’s largest township. After the spate of baby murders that hit the press recently, as well as a growing sense that our work is to have an impact beyond the two communities where it’s been focussed, we’ve begun exploring opportunities in other communities.

It’s a strange feeling looking through bags of rubbish for baby bodies. You feel totally conflicted. On the one hand, finding a dead baby would be awful: it’s one of the worst things you can imagine, and you don’t know how you might react. On the other, we want to figure out where the problem is at its most concentrated. We want to find the bodies, so that we can fight this problem.

This time we didn’t find any bodies, but we made a lot of contacts with the city workers, who collect rubbish in the township.

Four children murdered last week

Last week four children were found murdered, all in the Western Cape. One of the killings was a three year old boy who was used as a sacrifice in a ritual killing. Another was a baby that was found abandoned in a dustbin near City Hall, in the centre of Cape Town. National Police Commissioner Bheki Cele say that this is “a worrying trend” in the Western Cape. Read the article here.

As a response to this, the Baby Safe Team is working to identify further townships where baby dumping may be happening and spreading the word about our services in those areas.


Förra veckan hittades fyra barn mördade på olika platser i Western Cape, området som omger Kapstaden. Ett av morden ett ritualmord där en treårig pojke använts som ‘syndaoffer’. Dessutom hittade man ett spädbarn i en sop tunna nära stadshuset i centrala Kapstaden. Den Sydafrikanska polisen menar att veckans händelser är en oroväckande trend i Western Cape. Läs hela artikeln här!

Baby Safes respons har varit att försöka utvidga organisationens arbete genom att identifiera extra utsatta kåkstäder där babydumpning kan förekomma och sedan marknadsföra de tjänster vi kan erbjuda i området.

The day is drawing close

Our leaving date is fast approaching.
Our passports (with visas) should be back any day soon.
We have a few presentations to give.
Oprah, our trusty Ford Fiesta, is sold (though we still get to use her until the 18th)!

Today we say a sad farewell to my Mum and Dad, as they head off to the USA for a few weeks.

For those of you who are in Cardiff during the next week and a half, we have some dates for your diary:

World Party

  • WORLD PARTY! 16th Sept, 7PM @ Milgi
    This is our official leaving do. Come dressed as someone from another country (besides your own). We’ll have mingling, music and a short Babysafe presentation More
  • Babysafe Charity Evening 14th Sept, 8PM @ A Shot In The Dark
    Organised by the kind people of New Life Church, there will be some acoustic music, and some Q&A/interview time with us More
  • Babysafe Info Event 18th Sept, 2PM @ The Vineyard Venue
    An event for people who want to support us with prayer and money to ask questions and learn a bit more about our work.

Another way you could help: Donate a Blackberry

When we wrote a few weeks ago we mentioned three ways you could help. Well, we’ve just found another one:

The team we will be working with all use Blackberry mobile phones, and their built-in BBM service, to message each other free-of-charge. This saves the organisation and its volunteers a lot of cash, as mobile credit is expensive in South Africa.

“How does this involve me?” I hear you ask…

I know that some of you, our dear website, Twitter and Facebook followers are gadget people, and that after upgrading to your latest iPhone or HTC, you may have an unused Blackberry phone just laying around somewhere that you’d be happy to donate to us.

If that’s you, please get in touch!

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