Our Life in Sweden

Jonathan & Sofia Morgan

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Category: The Baby Safe (page 3 of 7)

On Call

Förra veckan var det jag som var jour ansvarig i Baby Safe. Detta innebär oftast att ta emot samtal från allmänheten och ge info om vår organisation, samt vara tillgänglig för stöd och rådgivning till bl a gravida kvinnor och nyblivna mammor dygnet runt.

En viktig del när man har jour är att vara redo ifall någon lämnar en bebis i vår Baby Safe låda. Om detta händer ringer lådan automatiskt upp jour telefonen och då är målet att vara på plats inom tre minuter.

Denna veckan var lugn, inga telefonsamtal om övergivna bebisar och inga direkta akutsituationer. Det återstår att se om det är lugnet före stormen?!

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Last week I was on call. Normally this means to be available 24/7 to give information to the general public about our services as well as providing support and advice to pregnant women or new mums.

One of our main reasons for using the on call phone is that it’s connected to the safe. If a baby is put in the safe, the safe will automatically phone the on call phone and whoever’s on call will be there within three minutes.

The week was pretty quiet, no babies in the safe and no emergency calls. As the year has just started it might be the calm before the storm?

Just 7 days til we fly!

In just 1 week we fly to the UK.
We are EXCITED!!!
It’ll be our first time back in 15 months!

During the first 2 weeks of our trip, we’ll be giving some presentations about our work in South Africa, in Masiphumelele and with Baby Safe.

Here are some dates for your diaries:

Sunday 2nd December
10:30am Cardiff Vineyard
In the afternoon we’ll be having an information event. Contact us if you’d like to come!

Sunday 9th December
11:00am New Life Church, Cyncoed
2:00pm Beulah Church, Abertridwr

Sunday 16th December
6:30pm Abertridwr Community Church

Wall Street Journal feature on baby dumping in South Africa

On the 22nd of August The Wall Street Journal published an interesting article on baby abandonment in South Africa. Here’s some of what was written:

” When police in Port Elizabeth confirmed earlier this month that they had retrieved a newborn boy, alive in a shoe box inside a plastic bag, it added to accounts of infants abandoned by mothers in toilets, flowerpots, railroad tracks, rubbish bins, sidewalks and city parks. Many perish. Others are left to hospitals, acquaintances or charities, as mothers seek ways to give better lives to children they can’t support.”

In the early days of Baby Safe (2008), Bethany and I took an exploratory trip to Door of Hope, the charity mentioned in the article. The work they’re doing inspired us and played a part in shaping Baby Safe as an organisation.

Read the full article HERE!


Den 22 Augusti publicerade The Wall Street Journal en intressant artikel om baby dumpning i Sydafrika.

När Baby Safe ännu var i ett uppstartnings skede (2008) åkte jag och Bethany på en fältstudie till Door of Hope, frivillig organisationen som nämns i artikeln. Det var en mycket intressant och inspirerande studieresa som utgjorde en viktig del i att utveckla och forma Baby Safe som organisation.

Läs hela artikeln HÄR!

Baby Safe starts micro-business!

Baby Safe’s micro-business, Hope-tions, was started to offer mothers from disadvantaged communities an income.

Hope-tions products include decorative bunting, baby onsies, seat cushions and surgical hats.

The products are sewn by mothers participating in our Motherhood is Beautiful program, a holistic program that incorporates health, nutrition, performing arts, with micro-business and spiritual transformation for women in Masiphumelele and Ocean View.

Go ahead and place an order online at Etsy!

Want to meet one of the women of hope-tions? Have a look HERE!


Baby Safe har startat ett småföretag!

Företaget går under namnet Hope-tions och startades för att ge mammor från utsatta bostadsområden möjlighet till att försörja sig själva och sitt barn.

Hope-tions produkter består bland annat av dekorativa flaggspel, baby bodys’, kuddar och kuddfodral.

Sugen på att köpa flaggspel i julklapp? Shoppa online HÄR!

Mer information on Hope-tions hittar du HÄR!

Baby dumping around the world: South Korea

Baby dumping isn’t just a South African problem, but happens in many other parts of the world. Here’s a story of what’s happening in South Korea;

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