Our Life in Sweden

Jonathan & Sofia Morgan

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Category: Countryside (page 1 of 2)

We’re back!

English translation below

Oj vad skönt vi hade det när vi var hemma! Vi lyckades klämma in julfirande i både Wales och Sverige och passade på att riktigt julmysa med våra familjer. Eftersom vi inte varit hemma på ungefär ett och ett halvt år så blev det många kära återseenden, många vänner vi inte träffat på länge som vi äntligen fick umgås med. Vi passade också på att göra de allra vanligaste sakerna; gå och handla i mataffären, kolla på TV, läsa tidningar, gå på promenad, äta favoritchokladen samt fika, fika och fika! Det var en underbar resa och vi lyckades vila upp oss lite innan vi satte oss på planet tillbaka till Sydafrika, där vi nu har landat.

* * *

We had a lovely time back home in Wales and Sweden, celebrating Christmas in both countries and enjoying spending quality time with family and friends. Because we’d been away for so long it was the everyday things that we were really excited to do; food shopping, watching TV, reading the newspaper, eating our favorite chocolate and having loads of coffee dates. We had a lovely trip and managed to get some rest before flying back to Cape Town, where we’ve now landed.

The Elk we saw last night

The Elk we saw last night, originally uploaded by Jonathan Morgan.

On our way home from Jönkoping last night, we passed a field where there were four elks grazing.

We decided to take a closer look, so drove up onto the field, expecting them to be gone by the time we got there.

Fortunately they were still there and we sat and watched them for 15 minutes!

Child Elks

Sisters with Horses

Sofia & Stina with the horses

Last night Olof asked Sofia and Stina to move the horses to a different field, so they took the opportunity to pose in their newly purchased dresses.

Hanging out with the horses

See the full set here

Beautiful Light

Beautiful Light, originally uploaded by Jonathan Morgan.

The sun takes forever to set here in the summer. Even around 11pm it’s barely dark. This pic was taken just after dinner, around 8:30pm, when everything is surrounded by a golden glow.

Dave Rides Bikes

Yesterday, when we got back from Jon’s wedding, Dave did a little bike comparison. He took a ride on a Olof’s 600cc motorbike, and my racing bike, and provided some feedback.

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