Our Life in Sweden

Jonathan & Sofia Morgan

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Author: Jonathan (page 6 of 14)

Our reading at the Cardiff Vineyard carol service

Thanks to the wonders of technology, we were able to make an appearance at Cardiff Vineyard‘s carol service on Sunday afternoon. Now that the event is over, you can check it out below…

A special thank you goes out to Bruce and Nosiviwe for reading!

Rich in Love

Yesterday I had the joy of assisting Andrew in painting a piece of street art in Masiphumelele.

Andrew and Jonathan

It was fun listening as people passed by wondering what we were painting, and to help answer any questions they had.

Rich in Love by Selah

By the end we had attracted a group of kids who took it in turns to exclaim “reech een lauve!”

Reech een lauve

Check out the photo set here.

Visit Andrew’s site here: www.selahmade.com

Widening the scope of Baby Safe

A few of us spent this morning digging around in the rubbish on the outer edge of Khayelitsha, Cape Town’s largest township. After the spate of baby murders that hit the press recently, as well as a growing sense that our work is to have an impact beyond the two communities where it’s been focussed, we’ve begun exploring opportunities in other communities.

It’s a strange feeling looking through bags of rubbish for baby bodies. You feel totally conflicted. On the one hand, finding a dead baby would be awful: it’s one of the worst things you can imagine, and you don’t know how you might react. On the other, we want to figure out where the problem is at its most concentrated. We want to find the bodies, so that we can fight this problem.

This time we didn’t find any bodies, but we made a lot of contacts with the city workers, who collect rubbish in the township.

Selah in Masiphumelele

When fires hit Masiphumelele (the township where Babysafe works) a few months ago, many people joined in the effort to rebuild the shelters of those who had been made homeless. Street artist SELAH (aka Andrew Breitenberg) decided to sow some beauty among the ashes. Here’s what happened.


För några månader sedan härjade bränder i Masiphumelele (samma kåkstad som Baby Safe arbetar i) och över 500 plåtskjul brann ner vilket resulterade i att hundratals personer blev hemlösa. Lokalbefolkningen och andra människor engagerade sig i återuppbyggandet av nya hem i området. Gatukonstnären SELAH (aka Andrew Breitenberg) bestämde sig för att skapa något vackert och hoppingivande mitt i askan.

(Video by Craig Johns. If you can’t view it on this blog, visit it on Youtube)

Electricity failures and shark attacks

Yesterday, there was a shark attack at one of the beaches that we’ll be living closest to. The man lost his right leg.
The shark spotters saw the sharks, but weren’t able to raise the alarm because of a city wide power cut!

At around 12.25 the mountain Shark Spotter saw a swimmer enter the water near the Clovelly Corner area. The spotter tried to sound the alarm, but due to a Eskom related city-wide electricity failure the alarm did not sound.

Read more here

UPDATE: here’s more from the BBC

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