Our Life in Sweden

Jonathan & Sofia Morgan

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Month: May 2013

6th baby in the safe!

Last Friday a beautiful little girl was left in the safe and she’s now in a safe placement being cared for. This will be the 6th baby that we’ve had in the safe since it was first installed, 2008.

So far two radio stations have called wanting a statement as there’s been a several baby abandonment cases this last month, here in South Africa. The South African news agency, Eye Witness News, contacted us to ask about some specific reasons for babies being abandoned. Here’s some of the article and what was said…

Baby Safe’s Sofia Morgan says poverty plays a huge role in almost 90 percent of cases. “The mothers lack the financial means to care for the child. At the same time, the high rates of HIV/Aids, drug and alcohol abuse, as well as rape, also influence a mother who is in a desperate state.”

I fredags hämtade vi en liten flicka som lämnats i Baby Safe lådan. Detta är den sjätte bebisen som vi tagit emot genom lådan i Sun Valley sedan uppstarten av Baby Safe, 2008.

Denna veckan har två radiostationer hört av sig och bett oss uttala oss om orsakerna till varför bebisar överges i Sydafrika. Eye Witness News skrev nyligen en artikel om hur man under de senaste veckorna har upphittat flera bebisar övergivna här i Sydafrika. I citatet ovan kan ni se vad vi hade att säga om hur situationen ser ut för de kvinnor vi kommit i kontakt med genom Baby Safe…

In Court

MM poster w Rarablogg DV Court

Ovan ser ni en bild på Rachel som håller upp vår senaste Mummy Mentor poster som vi håller på att sätta upp runt om i Masiphumelele och Ocean view. Mummy Mentoring är nog en av de viktigaste delarna av Baby Safes arbete. Detta innebär bl a att ge stöd och att vara påtryckare åt gravida kvinnor och nyblivna mammor, de flesta bosatta i kåkstäder.

Förra veckan innebar detta att jag under två dagar var med som stöd till en tjej som skulle vittna om den misshandel hon utsatts för i familjerätten. I den familjerätt vi oftast har att göra med finns bara ett vänterum där offer och gärningsman måste vänta tillsammans, ofta i flera timmar. Självfallet leder detta ofta till stor rädsla, särskilt då offret varit utsatt för misshandel och man tvingas möta förövaren igen. Därmed känns det extra viktigt att Baby Safe kan ge stöd i dessa sammanhang.

Practicing Thankfulness

Can I tell you a secret?

For much of my adult life I’ve found it hard to feel content. I’ve lived in enough places and been involved with enough different things to know that it wasn’t my environment that was making me feel this way.

It was about me.

I was someone who couldn’t enjoy the moment, I couldn’t appreciate what was around me, even when those things were beautiful and exciting.

Early last year, Sofia read a book called One Thousand Gifts, which is about practicing thankfulness, and how it can make us more settled, happier people. As she told me about the book, I realised that this might be my opportunity to get out of this rut.

Each morning I began listing a couple of things I was thankful for, and would then thank God for those things. At first it felt a little contrived, having such predictable mornings, but I soon began seeing the benefits…

I noticed that when I was in conversations with people I would recognise the positive things they said more. I found that where I used to be drawn to worry, or criticism, I would see beauty. It has become easier to offer words of encouragement.

Because I’m noticing what I have, rather than focussing on what I don’t, I’m not comparing myself with people as much as I used to.

Have you tried practicing thankfulness? How has it affected you?

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