Our Life in Sweden

Jonathan & Sofia Morgan

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I dance therefore I am

On Friday night we celebrated my birthday with a bit of a pub crawl. Our last stop was Buffalo, which proved to be a great place to break out some moves.

Being Black Friday, the busiest day of the year for Pubs and Clubs, it was a great cultural experience for Sofia…

Papa Lucia

Jon decided to run for Sankta Lucia this year. He woke me up sunday morning (13th of December), dressed in his white dressing gown, a red ribbon tied round his waist, a lit candle, some white paper around his head and singing along with a youtube clip from last years Sankta Lucia in Sweden. Well done love! This is kind of what he was going for:

Jon bestämde sig för att föra den svenska traditionen, Sankta Lucia, vidare och väckte mig mimandes till förra årets Sankta Luciakör – ett klipp ifrån youtube, på söndagen 13/12! Hans utstryrsel bestod av vit morgonrock, rött band i midjan, någon form av vitt papper på huvudet samt ett brinnande ljus! Så vackert! Nu är jag definitivt ett steg närmre julstämningen! Se gärna klippet ovan för att få inblick i hur han tänkte sig det hela…

Cozy winter knitting

Emma has been mine & Jon’s great knitting teacher. Check out some of
her and Dave’s skills : www.emmandave.wordpress.com

Klipp dig och skaffa ett jobb

This is a well known Swedish saying, which is roughly translated:
“Get a haircut, then get a job.”
It’s also what we’re hoping to do.
So far, we’ve done the haircut part.
Here’s Sofia modeling her new fringe.

More coming soon

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Right now things are looking a bit sparse on content, but in the near future we will use this site as a place for updates and news about things that are going on in our life together.

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