On Friday night we celebrated my birthday with a bit of a pub crawl. Our last stop was Buffalo, which proved to be a great place to break out some moves.
Being Black Friday, the busiest day of the year for Pubs and Clubs, it was a great cultural experience for Sofia…
Jon decided to run for Sankta Lucia this year. He woke me up sunday morning (13th of December), dressed in his white dressing gown, a red ribbon tied round his waist, a lit candle, some white paper around his head and singing along with a youtube clip from last years Sankta Lucia in Sweden. Well done love! This is kind of what he was going for:
Jon bestämde sig för att föra den svenska traditionen, Sankta Lucia, vidare och väckte mig mimandes till förra årets Sankta Luciakör – ett klipp ifrån youtube, på söndagen 13/12! Hans utstryrsel bestod av vit morgonrock, rött band i midjan, någon form av vitt papper på huvudet samt ett brinnande ljus! Så vackert! Nu är jag definitivt ett steg närmre julstämningen! Se gärna klippet ovan för att få inblick i hur han tänkte sig det hela…
This is a well known Swedish saying, which is roughly translated: “Get a haircut, then get a job.”
It’s also what we’re hoping to do.
So far, we’ve done the haircut part.
Here’s Sofia modeling her new fringe.
Right now things are looking a bit sparse on content, but in the near future we will use this site as a place for updates and news about things that are going on in our life together.
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