Our Life in Sweden

Jonathan & Sofia Morgan

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Skor på mattan/Boots indoors

Hon sitter med skorna på sig inomhus & på mattan dessutom -Så Oförskämt, tänker du kanske!? Men det är inget ovanligt här i Wales och i resten av Storbrittanien, att man har ytterskorna på sig inomhus och traskar runt på heltäckningsmattan. Känns lite lustigt. Mattan blir ju smutsig…

I’m basically trying to demonstrate an everyday ‘cultural’ difference between Sweden and Wales (and rest of the UK): In the UK many people wear their outdoor boots indoors as well, even on the carpet!
Correct me if I’m wrong, but this would most likely be considered rude in Sweden. It’ll take me a while to get used to this…

Frisbee Inventor Dies

According to The Guardian, the inventor of the Frisbee (originally known as the ‘Pluto Platter’) has died at the age of 90. Farewell to a man who was responsible for a lot of fun…

(Photo: Camil Tulcan)

Blueberry Pancakes

Blueberry Pancakes

Last Monday we celebrated 6 months of being married. I made some Blueberry Pancakes for breakfast before we took a drive to the Brecon Beacons National Park.

Here’s the recipe for the pancakes:


  • 200g self-raising flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 Free Range egg
  • 300ml milk
  • 1 knob butter
  • 150g pack blueberries
  • A little butter for cooking
  • Maple syrup


  1. Mix together the flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt in a large bowl.
  2. Beat the egg with the milk, make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and whisk in the milk to make a thick smooth batter.
  3. Beat in the melted butter, and gently stir in half the blueberries.
  4. Heat a teaspoon of oil or small knob of butter in a large non-stick frying pan.
  5. Drop a large tablespoonful of the batter per pancake into the pan to make pancakes about 7.5cm across. Make three or four pancakes at a time.
  6. Cook for about 3 minutes over a medium heat until small bubbles appear on the surface of each pancake, then turn and cook another 2-3 minutes until golden.
  7. Keep the pancakes warm in the oven (100 degrees C) while you use up the rest of the batter.
  8. Serve with maple syrup and the rest of the blueberries.

(Recipe slightly adapted from the BBC Good Food site.)

The Stolen Orphans of Haiti

According to CNN, traffickers are taking advantage of the current instability in Haiti to take children and organs out of the country. Many children have been orphaned and the massive displacement of people, in makeshift dwellings, make them extremely vulnerable:

Haiti is trying to locate displaced children and register them so they can either be reunited with other family members or put up for adoption, Bellerive said.
But, he said, illegal child trafficking is “one of the biggest problems that we have.”
Many groups appear to be legitimate, “but a lot of organizations — they come and they say there were children on the streets. They’re going to bring them to the [United] States,” he said.

(source: CNN.com and @STOPTHETRAFFIK, photo: United Nations)

The No Money Man

A year or two ago Mark Boyle decided that it was time that he lived out the change he wanted to see in the world. For him that meant not just preaching in favour of environmental change, but living it out. He decided to live without money. In this video interview he describes the process he went through to lower his impact on the environment (click on the image).

And here’s another article explaining the process in more detail:
I live without cash, and I manage just fine

(source: The Guardian Online)

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