Our Life in Sweden

Jonathan & Sofia Morgan

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My wife when she was 4

With Emmerson the dog. Check out Stina’s Flickr page for more old pictures.

Hit by a car

I published this yesterday on my tumblr page, but realised it belongs here too:

I had my first collision with a car this morning.

Riding to the office, enjoying my new bike.

Just 3 minutes from work, on a mini roundabout next to ASDA.

Clear indication wasn’t enough for her.

She saw me, hesitated, then sped up.

I saw her stopping, continued my exit of the roundabout, then watched wide eyed as she accelerated, then braked immediately in front of me.

No time to brake as I hurtled towards her car, then head first, in slow motion, into the bonnet.

The whole roundabout stood still, waiting for signs of life as I peeled myself from the bonnet, glared at the driver and her son and uttered a pointedly sarcastic “Thank You Very Much!”

As soon as I was off her car she sped away, the front of her black Ford KA bearing the mark of the impact.

I continued my journey, bruised and shaken, but nothing broken.

Hello Lovers

Grattis på alla hjärtans dag! / Happy Valentines Day!


STINAochSYSTEMET from sofia morgan on Vimeo.

Bangers and mash till kvällsmat!

Bild från vår lägenhet, en helt vanlig tisdag!

Mmmums, potatismos och körv! 

An ordinary Tuesday, Bangers and mash! 

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