Our Life in Sweden

Jonathan & Sofia Morgan

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This was one of the funniest moments in our daily drive between Fish Hoek/Glencairn and Kommetjie when we were living in Cape Town last year:


(Photo by Brad)

Vår bröllopsbok / Our wedding book

Ett hett tips för nästa års julklapp är en fotobok från Blurb. Detta blev julklappen från mig och Jon till våra föräldrar, år 2009. Om du vill kolla igenom bokens alla sidor (eller själv införskaffa boken) så behöver du bara klicka här!

Translation: this year we decided to make a book of wedding photos as a Christmas gift for our parents.  We decided to use Blurb.com to create it. Check out the book (or even order yourself a copy!) by clicking here

Vi känner en kändis / We know someone famous!

Vår vän och möbeldesigner Luke Pedersen, vars företag går under namnet Pedersen + Lennard, har nu fyllt en sida i tidningen ELLE Interiör med sina snygga ‘spann pallar’! Kolla genast in deras hemsida!


Our friend Luke Pedersen has been designing some super nice furniture. His ‘bucket-stool’ was recently in ELLE Home Magazine! Together with his partner he runs the company Pedersen + Lennard. Go check out their website!

För en kul jul / Spice up your christmas!!!

Härom kvällen fastande vi framför Graham Nortons Talk Show på tv och fick på så sätt höra talas om denna underabara hemsida:


The other night we got stuck in front of the tv watching the Graham Norton tv Show. He intriduced us to this AMAZING website above.

Shane Claiborne in Esquire Magazine

The author of The Irresistable Revolution has written What If Jesus Meant All That Stuff? an apology and open letter to those who have given up on faith, which has made it onto Esquire Magazine’s website:

The Scripture is brimful of God using folks like a lying prostitute named Rahab, an adulterous king named David… at one point God even speaks to a guy named Balaam through his donkey. Some say God spoke to Balaam through his ass and has been speaking through asses ever since. So if God should choose to use us, then we should be grateful but not think too highly of ourselves. And if upon meeting someone we think God could never use, we should think again.

Click here to read more.

(photo: The Simple Way)

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