Dave and Emma have been blogging for a few months. Here is their latest (hilarious) piece of promotional material.
My interpretation is: Dave is baffled as he reflects on all the things that have flown by during the past month…
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I’m continuously inspired by the images on the Howies Look blog.
A man was eaten by a shark yesterday while swimming at Fish Hoek beach, our former local beach! Here’s what the BBC had to say:
The man was attacked 100 metres from the shore of Fish Hoek beach in the Western Cape on Tuesday. Eye-witnesses said the massive shark attacked Mr Skinner three times before dragging him under water.
(source: @biffo619 and BBC, Photo: Ola Hodne Titlestad)
In this TED Talk, Eggers (author of What is the What and A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
) describes a wonderful venture he's involved with to get writers and other members of the community investing in their local schools. They set up their McSweeny's office in a workspace where they could provide tutoring to school kids and sell pirate supplies (true!)
For the full 25 minute version of this talk, visit TED.
Jag har hittat kanske världens bästa nyårslöfte! Tjejen som gjort denna sida bestämde sig för att hennes garderob i slutet a 2010 skulle bestå av enbart hennes egensydda kläder! Gå in på hennes sida och låt dig inspireras av underbara 40-tals klänningar! Nu ska jag bara lära mig att sy också…
Translation: Mina Trott made a new years resolution to by the end of 2010 have a wardrobe filled with only her own made clothes! How inspiring is this! If you like the 1940s era and it's good looking dresses, you must have a look at this website! If I only knew how to sew!