Our Life in Sweden

Jonathan & Sofia Morgan

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Category: life (page 7 of 9)

Our Team

Tracesmart team

Here’s a photo, taken earlier today, of the IT team that I’m part of. TraceIQ is the new tracing software we’re launching.

The summer / Sommaren

The summer came and went so quickly. Although we've mainly been 'working nine to five' we've had some incredible weekend highlights. These are some of them: visit from Emma & Dave, hangout with Chris in Bristol and attending Mark and Laurettes wedding! 

Sommaren flög förbi i år. Även om vi till största del har jobbat så har vi ändå hunnit med några godbitar; bland annat efterlängtat besök av Emma & Dave, häng med Chris i Bristol och Mark och Laurettes bröllop!   

I love to swim

Swimming in Småland
There’s an unique sense of freedom to the Swedish summer. While we were there a few weeks ago, celebrating Sofia’s cousin’s wedding, I took the opportunity to revisit one of the places that grew to mean a lot to me last year during our wedding preparations.

The night before we got married, a few of my friends (Dave, Luke and Chris) took me for a late night swim in a lake close to where we were staying. It’s a tradition that began with Dave’s wedding the year before, and which I see as something of a rite of passage, a final blast of your old way of life as another is about to begin.

That particular evening Dave and Luke swam out far, and when I caught up they were contemplating the depths beneath: ‘what creatures could be living in those murky waters?’ We dipped our heads under the water and were immersed in a silent blackness.

This time it was daylight and I had the lake all to myself. As I paddled in, the stillness of the surface was broken by gentle rings.


Våra helger innehåller ofta en långpromenad i en av Cardiffs alla parker. Våren är här vilket idag innebar picnic i solen 🙂

Our weekends often consist of a longer walk around one of all the nice parks in Cardiff. Today spring-walk = picnic.

Guest #1: Daniel Fritzon

Daniel at the Juno Lounge

Last weekend we had the pleasure of hanging out with Daniel, our first visitor since moving to Wales. We had fun exploring Cardiff and the surrounding areas, including: shopping at Spillers Records (“The Oldest Record Shop in the World”), checking out the Art Installations at The Museum of Wales and Climbing Pen Y Fan (“the highest peak in Southern Britain”) in the Brecon Beacons.

There are more photos over on Flickr. Click here to visit them.

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