Our Life in Sweden

Jonathan & Sofia Morgan

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Month: January 2010 (page 1 of 2)

The Stolen Orphans of Haiti

According to CNN, traffickers are taking advantage of the current instability in Haiti to take children and organs out of the country. Many children have been orphaned and the massive displacement of people, in makeshift dwellings, make them extremely vulnerable:

Haiti is trying to locate displaced children and register them so they can either be reunited with other family members or put up for adoption, Bellerive said.
But, he said, illegal child trafficking is “one of the biggest problems that we have.”
Many groups appear to be legitimate, “but a lot of organizations — they come and they say there were children on the streets. They’re going to bring them to the [United] States,” he said.

(source: CNN.com and @STOPTHETRAFFIK, photo: United Nations)

The No Money Man

A year or two ago Mark Boyle decided that it was time that he lived out the change he wanted to see in the world. For him that meant not just preaching in favour of environmental change, but living it out. He decided to live without money. In this video interview he describes the process he went through to lower his impact on the environment (click on the image).

And here’s another article explaining the process in more detail:
I live without cash, and I manage just fine

(source: The Guardian Online)

Dave’s Acting Debut

Dave and Emma have been blogging for a few months. Here is their latest (hilarious) piece of promotional material.
My interpretation is: Dave is baffled as he reflects on all the things that have flown by during the past month…

Howies Look

I’m continuously inspired by the images on the Howies Look blog.

Shark Attack on Fish Hoek Beach!

A man was eaten by a shark yesterday while swimming at Fish Hoek beach, our former local beach! Here’s what the BBC had to say:

The man was attacked 100 metres from the shore of Fish Hoek beach in the Western Cape on Tuesday. Eye-witnesses said the massive shark attacked Mr Skinner three times before dragging him under water.

(source: @biffo619 and BBC, Photo: Ola Hodne Titlestad)

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